Innovation Invitational: Innovation for Sustainability
Participants will learn strategies and interact with peers to develop practical plans for enhancing and sustaining afterschool and summer programs, including:
- strategies for addressing the needs of today’s youth AND staff
- scaling down / building up according to your community’s needs
- engaging and supporting high school students as staff
- collaborating with other district programs, and
- building sustainable community partnerships.
Participants will learn about the key role out of school time programs can play in helping youth:
- enjoy exploratory learning / play,
- meet district goals, including literacy and attendance
- explore careers, including teaching and
- discover life-long passions.
Featuring key cross-cutting / future-oriented program platforms / topics including:
- career exploration
- feeding the future - GrowELO
- getting kids outside to experience nature
- impactful cross-sector partnerships, and
- new ways to collect / report / celebrate data.
With registration for this conference, your program will receive a free one-year membership with the National Afterschool Association (NAA). NAA is a national organization that provides high-quality tools and resources to out-of-school time programs across the country. If you are the director of your program, please add your work address and phone number below to take advantage of this membership.