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Make the Case for the importance of afterschool and summer programs in your Nebraska community!  This video features various programs from across the state and highlights the importance of ELO programs in our communities.  

The 6,000 Hour Learning Gap By the time they reach 6th grade, middle class youth have likely spent 6,000 more hours learning than youth born into poverty.

Afterschool: Hours of Opportunity "Afterschool is where the community can help the school push back against the hungry bear of poverty…that's really what keeps taking bites out of our progress." So says Robert Balfanz, a professor and senior research scientist at Johns Hopkins University, one of the experts in this video from the Wallace Foundation. Hear them discuss how afterschool can help cities close the opportunity gap between low-income students and their higher-income peers.

Better Together: Boosting Afterschool by Building Communitywide Systems ELO field leaders lay out steps that communities can take to build an afterschool system in order to boost program quality and attendance.

Learning in Afterschool and Summer Programs: How Kids Learn This video describes five learning principles that are key to promoting young people's learning and administering quality programs. It features interviews with leaders from the ELO field who discuss the quality learning principles that are helping to shape the design and implementation of youth programs throughout the country.