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The three-lesson series that make up the Tree-a-Thon were developed by a team of UNL Forestry and Environmental Studies majors participating in one of BSB’ Design Intensives.  They are intended to help support a statewide Tree-a-thon tree planting activity that will take place in communities across the state over Arbor Day weekend, April 24 -26th.  These materials, originally intended to be part of a six week afterschool club, were adapted to a three hour activity that can be done at home.  We appreciate your feedback on these materials and have designed a brief survey (link is listed above).  We encourage you to visit the event website to register to participate in your community’s event.  

The Exploratorium at Pier 15 in San Francisco is one of the most engaging, hands-on science museums and center of exploration and creativity in the nation.  The Tinkering Studio within the Exploratorium is both a physical makerspace as well as virtual hub offering free, hands-on experiences for youth to work on at home – and can spark a lifetime passion for science and learning.  Cardboard Automata is just one activity that you can enjoy. 

Long time BSB partner Henry Doorly Zoo and Aquarium is a world class zoo located right here in Nebraska.  An experienced afterschool provider for the Omaha Public Schools, the HD Zoo also has a strong (and growing) on-line presence to share their amazing collection with zoo goers around the world – all from the comfort and safety of their home computers.  The Zoo at Home is a great way to engage students in open ended exploration of the natural world

Since we know everyone is going a bit stir crazy these days, so we wanted to share a kid approved web-site that is focused solely on getting youth active and healthy – GoNoodle.  Our kids love it and we think yours will too. 

Finally, with Spring seemingly ready to make an early arrival in Nebraska, we included a few of Nature Art project guides that you can use as starting points to hours of creativity arts activities that will encourage youth to get out and enjoy the promise inherent in nature’s much needed re-emergence.